Management of the Institut

Anne-Lise Giraud

Deputy director

Legal nature of the Hearing Institute
The Hearing Institute is an Institut Pasteur center which is affiliated to the Department of Neuroscience for scientific matters. It is not an independent legal entity and does not have legal capacity.
Since the Hearing Institute is an Institut Pasteur center, its day-to-day operation is subject to all the Institut Pasteur's internal regulations, in particular:
statutory regulations and the standards for their implementation,
regulations governing delegations of authority and signature, especially those relating to the capacity of legal representatives and staff members to enter into legally binding commitments with third parties on behalf of the Institut Pasteur,
the Internal Regulations and all related instruments (the IT Charter, rules relating to safety in the workplace, etc.),
internal organizational rules and procedures adopted by each department,
the regulations governing all Institut Pasteur centers.
The Hearing Institute acts under the authority of the President of the Institut Pasteur.
The Hearing Institute is led by a director (the "Director"), who acts under the supervision of a steering committee (the "Steering Committee") and an international scientific council (the "Scientific Council"). These bodies are specific to the Hearing Institute. Since the Hearing Institute is part of a joint research unit between the Institut Pasteur and one or more public research bodies (at this stage Inserm), the joint research unit is subject to the applicable rules established between these bodies and the Institut Pasteur.
On the date of establishment of the Hearing Institute, Professor Christine Petit, Head of the Institut Pasteur research unit entitled "Genetics & Physiology of Hearing," is appointed by mutual agreement between the Parties as the first Director.
Professor Petit's term will take effect from the last date of signature of the Agreement and will cease on June 30, 2021.
The Hearing Institute Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is composed of 6 individual members, with 3 members being chosen by each of the Parties for a renewable term of 3 years, which may be revoked at any time by the same procedure.
The Steering Committee is chaired by a person chosen jointly by the Parties from among their representatives. By agreement between the Parties, the first appointed chair is Etienne Caniard, a representative of the Fondation Pour l'Audition, for the term of the Agreement.
The duties of members of the Steering Committee cease at the end of their term or upon death, resignation, termination of membership for ex officio members, revocation, or the normal or early termination of the Agreement.
If the position of one or more members becomes vacant for any reason, the Party that appointed the member provides for a replacement within 15 days for the remaining duration of the term.
The duties of members of the Steering Committee are performed without remuneration. Costs incurred in the performance of their tasks are reimbursed upon presentation of appropriate supporting documents, via a procedure with explicit limits for each type of expense; the corresponding amount is charged to the budget of the Hearing Institute.
The Steering Committee is responsible for proposing to the relevant bodies of the Parties any recommendations regarding:
the prior approval of the development strategy drawn up and proposed by the Director, following the opinion of the Scientific Council, and the recruitment of new teams,
the prior definition of the policy and development strategy of the Hearing Institute, especially regarding the identification of sources of funding (industry partnerships, grants, fundraising, etc.),
supervision of the implementation of the Agreement and the use of resources,
discussions on the budget forecast of the Hearing Institute,
non-scientific (operational and administrative) monitoring of research conducted at the Hearing Institute,
the management of operational aspects related to the implementation of the Agreement,
the amicable settlement of internal operational difficulties,
the development and maintenance of relations with public bodies,
the development of guidelines, as necessary, to enable close cooperation in the distribution of tasks among the Parties as laid down in article 13,
the concerted development of the communication strategy for the Hearing Institute, especially its brand strategy, to ensure consistency with the respective strategies of the Institut Pasteur and the Fondation Pour l'Audition; guidelines for the implementation of this strategy,
the concerted development of the fundraising strategy among companies and individuals to ensure consistency with the respective strategies of the Institut Pasteur and the Fondation Pour l'Audition; guidelines for the implementation of this strategy,
the concerted development of the business development strategy.
The Steering Committee is informed of discussions within the Coordination Committee for the monitoring of the three-party agreement mentioned in section four and is consulted regarding the specifications applicable to the center for audiology research (CReA). It is also informed of any agreements signed with clinical research centers.
The Steering Committee is informed of discussions between the Institut Pasteur and the supervisory authority(ies) (at this stage Inserm) of the joint research unit. When setting out its position within the Steering Committee, the Institut Pasteur takes into account the position of these bodies which serve as supervisory authorities for the joint research unit. Should difficulties arise, it may convene a meeting between the Parties and the supervisory authorities of the joint research unit. A meeting is held at least once a year between the Institut Pasteur, the Fondation Pour l'Audition and the supervisory authority(ies) (at this stage Inserm) of the joint research unit.
A general progress review is to be carried out at least once a year by the Steering Committee with the aim of reaching agreement on the outlook for the coming years and the related economic impact, especially in terms of the costs of new recruitments.
The Hearing Institute International Scientific Council
The International Scientific Council of the Hearing Institute is composed of at least 7 individuals and no more than 10 individuals, including:
2 ex officio members:
a) 1 scientist appointed by the Institut Pasteur President, and
b) 1 member of the International Scientific Council of the Fondation Pour l'Audition, appointed by the latter; as well as
the other members appointed by mutual agreement by the Parties, on the basis of a joint proposal by the Institut Pasteur and the supervisory authority, at this stage Inserm, or supervisory authorities of the joint research unit.
In the event of a disagreement between the Parties, the Institut Pasteur and the supervisory authorities propose the appointment of two-thirds of the members, with the other third being proposed by the Fondation Pour l'Audition. In terms of its composition, the Scientific Council must represent all the disciplines related to the research and projects carried out at the Hearing Institute, including clinical research and human audiology, in a balanced way.
The members of the Scientific Council are appointed for a 4-year term, renewable once.
The initial composition of the Scientific Council, excluding the ex officio members, for the first 4-year term is appended to this document.
The duties of members of the Scientific Council cease at the end of their term or upon death, resignation, termination of membership for ex officio members, or the normal or early termination of the Agreement.
If the position of one or more members other than the ex officio members becomes vacant for any reason, the Parties provide for a replacement no later than one month before the next meeting of the Scientific Council for the remaining duration of the term. The Scientific Council may not meet if the number of members drops below 7 out of 10.
The duties of members of the Scientific Council are performed without remuneration. Costs incurred in the performance of their tasks are reimbursed upon presentation of appropriate supporting documents, via a procedure with explicit limits for each type of expense; the corresponding amount is charged to the budget of the Hearing Institute.
The Council elects its chair and vice-chair from among its members for a two-year term.
Notwithstanding the application of the applicable regulations in force at public research institutions, the Scientific Council is responsible for the following tasks:
evaluating the scientific and translational strategy and the research topics proposed by the Director,
evaluating applications to host new research teams within the Hearing Institute and issuing recommendations to the relevant bodies,
evaluating the research carried out at the Hearing Institute and issuing recommendations in this area,
the Scientific Council sends its evaluations to the chair of the Steering Committee.
Role of the Parties in the governance of the Hearing Institute
The representatives of the Parties meet to take any decisions that do not fall under the remit of the Director together, by consensus. In particular, the Parties are responsible for taking decisions on matters for which the Steering Committee issues an opinion, as well as matters giving rise to divisions in the Steering Committee regarding the nature of the opinion to be issued.
The Parties undertake to organize a meeting between their representatives within 10 calendar days of either one of the Parties convening a meeting by any written means allowing proof of receipt.
The Parties are not bound by the principle and/or the provisions of the opinion previously issued by the Steering Committee.
Depending on the nature and significance of the decision being taken, each of the Parties appoints its most capable representative(s) on the matter (on a case-by-case basis, for example a director of operations, deputy director, chief executive, chair of the Board of Directors, etc.), provided that he/she may take action on behalf of his/her institution.
Initial composition of the International Scientific Council of the Hearing Institute, excluding ex officio members
Chair of the International Scientific Council of the Hearing Institute
Andrew King
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Members of the International Scientific Council of the Hearing Institute
Valentina Emiliani
Institut de la Vision, France
Alain Chedotal
Institut de la Vision, France
Elaine Fuchs
The Rockefeller University, the United States
Timothy Griffiths
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Stefan Heller
Stanford School of Medicine, the United States
Birger Kollmeier
Universität Oldenburg, Germany
Sonja Kotz
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Charles Liberman
Harvard Medical School, the United States
Josh McDermott
MIT, the United States
Pascal Senn
Université de Genève, Switzerland
Chiara Zurzolo
Institut Pasteur, France